Knowing the average time between orders (also known as the time between purchases) from the same customer is invaluable data to have as it allows you to target repeat purchasers at the appropriate time. You may be wondering how to calculate the average time between orders but never fear; your RFM Calc ecommerce report will not only show you the average time between 1st and 2nd orders, but also 2nd and 3rd orders, 3rd and 4th orders and so on, based on the order data your provide.
For so long, marketeers have simply guessed when to retarget ecommerce customers to drive a repeat purchase; maybe after 7 days, maybe 30 days, maybe 90 days, who knows? But the reality is, when customers are most likely to return for a repeat purchase can vary massively by industry vertical and ecommerce store. With RFM Calc, there's no more guessing; we'll show you exact timeframes of when your customers return for repeat purchases. For a complete overview of how our average time between orders report work, please see our in depth video guide below:
Finding the average time between orders for your ecommerce store is incredibly easy with RFM Calc; we can generate reports for literally any ecommerce platform (including Shopify, Magento and more). Our core report data table shows both the mean and median average time between purchases placed on your store, and even the longest time recorded for a customer to place their next order. Ever heard marketeers spout nonsense like "if a customer doesn't place a second order within 90 days, they'll never come back"? Now you can disprove that in seconds by showing the average time between orders for your ecommerce store:
We'll also plot an incredibly powerful visual scatter chart showing how the average time between orders changes based on how many orders a customer has placed:
We'll also (for completeness) show the average value change between orders:
And even an incredibly powerful overview of revenue from repeat customer orders versus weeks since the customer's previous order was placed:
It might be hard to believe, but our average time between orders reports are included on every RFM Calc account plan, even our free plan. Simply click below to create a free account today and you'll be able to find the average time between orders, for literally any ecommerce platform, in just a few seconds.
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